Celebration of Life Sessions

Discussing end-of-life matters can be challenging without sounding overly somber. Yet, we all face moments in life where farewells become inevitable. As the saying goes, The one thing we can be sure of is death and taxes right?

Unfortunately, our beloved pets often have shorter lifespans than we do, and saying goodbye to them can be heart-wrenching. As a pet photographer, I consider myself fortunate to document the bond between you and your pet, capturing their unique personality.

I feel deeply privileged to be entrusted with capturing moments during a pet’s final chapter. Sometimes, I photograph vibrant, young pets—full of life and joy—without realising it's their last session due to unforeseen circumstances like accidents or sudden illness.

Other times, I'm called in when a pet faces a terminal illness. It's a tough gig, as pet parents navigate the abrupt loss of precious time with their companions.

And then there are the long-lived pets whose time has come, where their owners must make make the difficult, yet kind decision to give them peace from pain. Being part of these final moments, sharing funny memories and celebrating their impact on your life—is the greatest honor I could be bestowed.

Occasionally, I've had the privilege of photographing human individuals who passed away shortly after our session, and those images were the last professional photos taken of that person. 

Regardless of the circumstances, I never take for granted the importance of my role in preserving your cherished memories with your most loved pet. While I may not be saving lives like a surgeon or first responder, I do understand the profound significance of what I do for people. These images are treasured now and become even more precious with time.

As Dr. Seuss aptly said, "Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory."

I am deeply honoured to do what I do and grateful to all my clients for entrusting me to capture precious memories of their pets who provide unconditional love in a world where almost everything is conditional.  Who have been with them in the dark, behind closed doors, full of tears and at their worst moments and who have also celebrated their best times and their biggest achievements.  Animals without doubt help to fill our cup.  Pets provide a level of support to our mental well-being that few humans can match.

We are fortunate indeed to share our lives and homes with such remarkable animals. Thank you for allowing me to preserve your memories.


Choosing the Right Breed for You and Your Family


Oscar & Family at the Beach