Look Back and Smile Pet Photography Western Australia Albany WA Puppy Training Puppy Photography

Getting a new puppy is always so exciting isn’t it?

We have just brought home an 11 week old Giant Schnauzer. He flew in from interstate on Wednesday last week and although it hasn’t quite been a week, he has grown so quickly and we just can’t believe it.

Reggie is a beautiful boy. Last year we were fortunate enough to stop into see the breeder and her dogs on our way up to Qld and again on the way back.
Giant Schnauzers are often quite aloof. However, this breeders’ dogs all seem like friendly labradoodles! In saying that, I dare anyone to enter her yard alone! We decided this was the perfect breed of dog for us. Why not, this means we now have had pleasure of loving all 3 Sizes of Schnauzers.

Look Back and Smile Pet Photography Western Australia Albany WA Puppy Training Puppy Photography

6 days on. He has grown so much.

Our last Schnauzer was a magnificent Standard, named Herman. When he passed away just shy of his 10th birthday, we were completely shattered.

Look Back and Smile Pet Photography Western Australia Albany WA Puppy Training Puppy Photography

Our late Standard Schnauzer, Herman.

We got our Mini Schnauzer, Murray, in the peak of the beginning of Covid. We have been traveling with Murray his whole life. Only recently settling in Albany WA. Murray loves being settled and not traveling all the time. As much as he loved all his adventures, and he has seen more things than most dogs; he seems more settled and happier with a regular routine and regular friend visits and play-dates. We have spent the last two years raising Murray and felt the time was perfect to bring in our second dog.

Look Back and Smile Pet Photography Western Australia Albany WA Puppy Training Puppy Photography

Our Murray.

Reggie, our Giant puppy is an incredible dog. He is so handsome, insanely smart, has the most perfect temperament and the two boys adore each other.

Although, I must admit, (well, you all know) puppies are a huge time waster. We can spend hours watching him play, training him and just being pretty obsessed with him!

As you all know, I am a dog trainer. So together, with my husband Leon, we have been teaching him some things already this week. Reggie has already been doing some work with socialisation. He already knows sit, drop, high five, roll over and target. He is getting really good at “come”, wait for food bowl, wait for door and is starting his training on stay.

We look forward to sharing more adventures of Murray and Reggie as their brotherhood grows and blossoms.

Look Back and Smile Pet Photography Western Australia Albany WA Puppy Training Puppy Photography

Why not, one last one of Reggie.


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