“Helping your pets cope with Christmas”

As we engage in the joy and festivities of Christmas, it's important to remember that our beloved pets may find the holiday season a bit overwhelming. The hustle and bustle, unfamiliar scents, strangers in the home (adults and children alike) who may get in their space and even decorations and changes with extra or rearranged furniture can be stressful for them.

In this blog, we'll explore some simple yet effective ways to ensure that your pets have a happy and stress-free Christmas.

1.      Maintain Routine: Pets thrive on routine, and any disruption can lead to stress. Try to keep their feeding, playtime, and walks consistent, even amidst the holiday chaos. This will provide them with a sense of normalcy and security.  Exercising your dog with a long sniffy walk prior to guests coming over, can be a great management tool to ensure your dog is calmer.

2.      Manners:  If your pet is likely to jump up on guests in the first bit of excitement, then keeping them on a lead and rewarding them for “four on the floor” or “sits for greeting” is really important.  Remind guests to only pat if the dog wants to be patted and if the dog is calm.  Remind them to turn away and move away should the dog try to jump up. 

 3.      Create a Quiet Retreat: With guests and increased activity, your home may become a hub of excitement. This can not only be overwhelming, but can be a potential hazard as doors and gates can be left open while guests come in, or carry in heavy items.  Set up a quiet and comfortable space where your pets can retreat to if they need a break. This can be a designated room with their bed, toys, and water bowl.

4.      Mind the Decorations: Christmas decorations can be enticing, but they also pose potential hazards for pets. Avoid using decorations that can be easily chewed or swallowed. Make sure Christmas lights and wires are secured and out of reach. A well-decorated tree can be a magnet for curious pets, so consider placing ornaments higher up.

5.      Pet-Friendly Treats: Include your pets in the holiday treat festivities with special pet-friendly snacks. Make sure these treats are safe for them to consume, avoiding any harmful ingredients like chocolate or nuts.  You can even involve your pets in the baking process with homemade pet treats.  Remind guests to not feed any foods to your pets, traditional fruit mince pies, ham, chocolate and other fatty foods could see your pet in the emergency Vet in a lot of pain and costing a lot of money.  Avoid Rawhides, (a common treat sold as a dog present at Christmas) these treats are full of nasty chemicals and rawhide can easily become a choking hazard

6.      Respect Their Space: Some pets may be uncomfortable around strangers, children or in a crowded room. Let your guests know about your pets' preferences, and kindly ask them to approach slowly and quietly or to leave them be in their safe space. Provide a space where your pets can observe from a distance if they prefer.  Child and dog safety must be your priority.  Some dogs aren’t used to children.  Christmas day can be very overwhelming.  Please ensure your dog has their own space to be away from Children.

7.      Gentle Introductions: If you have guests bringing their own pets, introduce them to your pets gradually and in a controlled manner. Keep an eye on their interactions to ensure everyone is comfortable and stress-free.

8.      Mind the Noise: Fireworks and loud gatherings can be distressing for pets. Remember, strangers can be overwhelming to your pet, especially when they are drinking. Create a quiet space where they can retreat from the noise. Consider using background music or white noise to mask loud sounds.

Christmas is a time of joy and togetherness for the whole family, including our furry friends. By incorporating these simple tips, you can ensure that your pets not only cope with the holiday festivities but also enjoy a Christmas filled with love, comfort, and happiness.


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